Strategic communication advisory consulting


Strategic communication advisory consulting

We are advisors to boards of directors on how they should structure their organisations’ communications to meet their business goals more effectively. We advise boards on deciding what the key communication issues are. When it comes to setting up internal communication teams, we assist our clients in setting them up in the most optimal way. With a view especially to the cohesiveness of all communication activities we strategically supervise the public relations, advertising and marketing activities of our clients.

Day-to-day advisory consulting

The one thing in business which is certain is ongoing dynamic change. How and when should you communicate with the media? How can a planned advertising campaign influence a company’s reputation? How can you communicate effectively online on behalf of the organisation? These are only a few of the communication dilemmas we can help to resolve by advising our clients on a daily basis. Frequently, before commencing day-to-day advisory services, we first create a communication strategy for our clients.

Team selection

We strongly believe that strategic reputation management should be based on the work of staff’s strong communication competences in-house, combined with top-level external reputation management advisory services. We help select the best communicators who can support organisations as in-house specialists, and familiarise them with the reputation strategy of the organisation which has previously been worked out.

Strategic supervisory consulting on PR, advertising and marketing subcontractors

Effective reputation management is based on cohesive communication activities of all types. When an organisation is collaborating with several communications firms, it is easy to lose this cohesiveness. Playing the role of strategic communications supervisor, we can ensure that whatever communications activity is undertaken meets the strategic reputation goals.