Icon Academy


Icon Academy

Within Icon Academy, we deliver top-class training sessions for middle and senior managers, on developing detailed communication strategies, public speaking, media relations, crisis management and self-promotion.

Developing a personal reputation management strategy

During the training, we introduce participants to all the key techniques and tools for the conscious creation of a personal professional image. Afterwards, we work with them individually on a detailed personal reputation management strategy.

The art of public speaking

We assist our clients in developing self-confidence and fluency when facing smaller and larger audiences, during all-important public speaking opportunities.


Afterwards, we work with individual managers on their presentations or speeches, and coach them, both before taking the floor and afterwards, when it comes to an analysis of the outcomes.

Public relations strategies

Training sessions on the construction of public relations strategies are intended specifically for PR professionals, who face new professional challenges connected mainly with their promotion to senior management positions in the communications field. During the training, we transfer knowledge and skills relating to such dilemmas as what the PR strategy should consist of, and how PR should be developed and, later, smoothly introduced at all levels of the organisation.

Managing media relations processes

This training is intended for both PR and marketing specialists, as well as for the management of the organisation, including the board members, who represent the organisation in front of the media, or who indirectly participate in this process, e.g., by approving the corporate information to be relayed to the media.


During the training, we lay emphasis on the strategic role of professional media relations in the acquired reputation and business results of organisations. We clarify the techniques, tools and tactics used in professional media relations. Finally, we show participants how to give interviews to all kinds of media, including online media.

Crisis communication management

During the training, we explain how to prepare a professional crisis communication management plan, and how to identify potential scenarios which might cause crisis situations, and give training in how to manage these to protect the organisation’s reputation.